Guide to RV Family Camping

RVing as a family is a great way to enjoy quality time together, visit new places, and take in the beautiful sights found in nature. Sleeping inside a park under the stars is a whole different experience from just visiting it during the day.

However, traveling with kids can be a challenge. It’s not always easy to bring the entire family outside of their comfort zones. But with a bit of planning and a lot of patience and willingness to enjoy your time together, RVing with family can become an experience that will still be fondly remembered years down the line.

The RV lifestyle is not for everyone, and renting an RV is a popular option and gives you time to decide if buying one will fit in with your lifestyle. Amy from RV Rent A Campervan customer services advises early booking for the larger campervans especially during the summer months.

Here are tips for RVing with family.

Don’t leave your family out of the plan 

It’s important to ask your family, especially the kids, what their ideal RV trip looks like and try to grant everyone’s wishes as much as possible. Getting everyone involved in the planning process will also build up excitement and anticipation. Remember, you aren’t the only one going on this trip.

Make sure your vehicle has secure seatbelts

It’s a common misconception that RVs are just like school busses and are better equipped to handle accidents. However, their quality isn’t as high a standard as school busses. It’s not as safe as people might think in a crash so it’s always best to make sure you have secure seatbelts in your RV. 


Choose an RV with a closed off bunkroom

RVs tend to rob you of personal space. Fortunately, there are some layouts and configurations that can make the space feel bigger. Opt for the one with a separate bunk room. This way, kids can have a place to play while the adults get their much-needed rest.

Plan for un-scheduled time

Don’t forget to allow for some time to let everyone recharge on the trip. It doesn’t always have to be about adventures and sightseeing. You can simply dedicate time to just lounging in a hammock, sitting around a campfire, or playing some relaxing games.

Prepare some indoor entertainment

Although everyone wants it to be sunny and nice during their RV trip, the weather does not always go as we expect it to. This is why you should prepare some indoor entertainment options for when you’re stuck inside the RV during rainy or chilly days.

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